Hello Happy World Band Drama Episode 10: Just Like Magic!

Just like Magic!
(This is the first performance for them. And after seeing the cheery audience, the members feel...?)
Several days later
In front of the live house
Hagumi: Ahhhh~~~!! This is amazing. L-Live!! We are going to do a live performance~!
Kaoru: I'll finish my performance as the prince of the world.
Kokoro: This is so cool! As expected of the lie house decided upon by Michelle! Hey, you over there.
You think so too, right?
Misaki: Hm... So I've been saying... Michelle is me, you know?
Kokoro: U~nn! I'm so excited, I wanna stand on the stage already! But to think that I still have to wait in
Misaki: Michelle said that it's better for Hello, Happy World! to be waiting out here until it's time for the
Hagumi: I see. If Michelle said it then it can't be helped!
Misaki: (There's too many people here that it's dangerous to let them go wild, though the staff did say
that it's fine to do anything apart from setting and rehearsals.)
Kokoro: I see. And by the way, who are you......
Misaki: The person in the mascot costume. I'm here to substitute Michelle.
Kokoro: Ah! I remember there being such a person! And, guys, let's go!
Misaki: And now I'm finally raised to the status of "such a person"...
Waiting room
Performer 1: Wait, our set list is a little wrong!
Performer 2: What the hell, the guitar strong broke?!
Performer 3: What are you guys doing? We are going on stage in 30 minutes!!
HHW: .......
Kanon: Do you think that my drums... are fine...
Hagumi: Hagumi will check her bass string......... More importantly, it's going to be us soon but
Michelle isn't here yet. Is Michelle fine?
Misaki: That's why I have been saying that Michelle is right here?! And there's still 2 hours till our turn
you know?
Hagumi: Hey, mascot costume girl, Michelle will be here, right?
Kanon: I... I... In front of so many people......
Misaki: (These 2 are definitely nervous. But I'm too...)
Kaoru: Everyone, if you are nervous, why not join me in the ritual I always do before my performances?
Hagumi + Kanon: R-Ritual......?

Kaoru: Yes. First you expand your nostrils then you take deep breaths that reach your diaphragm.......
Misaki: S-S-Stop-------!! I-Isn't this something that you can't show others?! Do you understand the role that
you are playing now, Kaoru-san?!
Misaki: Haaa....... I get it, everyone is very nervous right! If Michelle isn't here the problem won't be
solved right? I get it. I get it! I'll change now, alright!
Mystery group in suits: Yes, Okusawa-san, this way please
Michelle: E-Everyone~~ Thanks for waiting~ It's me, Michelle! Hagumi-chan, don't look so sad ♪
Hagumi: M-Michelle......!
Kokoro: You are finally here! Hello, Happy World is finally assembled!
Michelle: (We were already assembled from the start......)
Performer 1: A bear mascot? What's up with that, ahaha~
Hagumi: Thank you for coming. We can't get started without you, Michelle! Hey, can I pat you?
Michelle: Of course, Hagumi chan~ Happy! Lucky! Smile! Yay! ♪
Hagumi: Yay! Hug! Pat, pat! Happy! Lucky! Smile! Yay! Yes, I'm all excited again~!
Other performers: W-What's up with that? Are they serious? Hahaha!
Michelle: I'm totally being laughed at... At least in this costume I don't feel that nervous. I should thank
this costume.)
Kokoro: And then, let's go! Hello, Happy World's first live! Ready, go----!!
HHW: Happy! Lucky! Smile! Yay!!
Michelle: (And it's the real thing already. To think that there's a day when I'll actually be at a live
Kokoro: Is everyone happy-----? We are Hello, Happy World!! Is everyone ready to smile? Then let's g
Michelle: Ugh, what are you doing, Kokoro?!
Audience: Uwa, what?! Did she just dive into the audience?! Isn't that illegal? Stop!
Michelle: Kokoro, you idiot! Get back here! We have to perform on the stage and on the stage only!
Kokoro: Huh----? Is that so, Michelle? Then it can't be helped... Here I come~
Michelle: Ugh!
Audience: Hahaha, what's up with that bear. It got pushed over by the vocalist------
Kokoro: ~~~~♪
Kaoru: Enjoy my guitar, my cute little kittens.
Hagumi: It's all about guts, I tell ya! Guts~!
Kanon: Fueeeee......!
Audience: Haha! But somehow, it's great, this band. It makes me laugh.
Michelle: (Seriously? Just like what Kokoro said, everyone is really smiling......)
Waiting room

Kokoro: It's even better than what I imagined!!!! Music can really make the world smile!! It's now a
Misaki: Kokoro, shush. We are all tired after the live.
Hagumi: It was so amazing! It's just like magic! Like what Kokoro said, everyone really started smiling!
Kaoru: Performance and live... Even though the stage is different, it feels so good to make the audience
Kanon: I too... Even though I was so nervous... in front of so many people... Seeing them smile made
me... happy... It was... fun......
Misaki: (Well, I don't dislike that atmosphere just now either, but making the world smile... isn't that a
little too much?)
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