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When the Evening Sky Cleared Event Story Episode 5: The Place where the 5 of us Belong

~ The Place where the 5 of us Belong ~

(The 5 forms a band and they set out to find a single word that will represent them.)

Several days later

After school


Ran: My index finger goes here and my middle finger here......

Himari: Oh! I heard it~!! Amazing!

Ran: ......!

Ran: Moca! There was a sound......!

Moca: Nice------

Tomoe: Congratulations! First off, I brought a score that even a beginner can copy easily. Would you

want to try it out?

Tsugumi: Score...?

Tomoe: It's a musical score. Look at it.

Himari: Ah, I know this tune too!

Tsugumi: I know it too!

Tomoe: Thank goodness. I thought it would be better if it was a song everyone knew, so I chose it. Then

shall we try from this song?

Himari: And this will be our first song~ Ahh, it finally seems like we are like a band.

Moca: Speaking of which, what will we do about our band name? At this rate, we'll really become Hii-

chan band, you know?

Ran: Anything but that......

Tomoe: Well, I'll prefer something cooler too.

Tsugumi: But what's good? I don't have a good naming sense......

Himari: How about "RMHTT"? We can use our initials------

Ran: Himari, you aren't allowed to think of anymore band names.

Himari: Huh------?! That's so mean~!

Moca: How about an English word that's cool? Something along those lines.

Tsugumi: If you need an electronic dictionary, I have one in my bag.

Tomoe: Then let's all go look for English words like that.

20 minutes later

Himari: Everyone~ Did you find something~?

Moca: Ultraviolet!

Ran: What does that mean

Moca: Ultraviolet rays!

Everyone: ......

Tsugumi: And this is? Stratosphere... Part of the Earth's atmosphere?

Ran: "OMNIS"...... Everything, ubiquitous...

Moca: That's kinda cool but... doesn't it seem too strong and all-powerful?

Himari: Hm... I guess just sounding cool wouldn't cut it. We need a meaning behind it too.

Tomoe: That's true. Even if our band name is about ultraviolet rays, we wouldn't know exactly why we

chose it.

Tsugumi: A word that we know the meaning of and holds meaning for us......

Ran: "Yuuyake" How about it? Something about dusk.

Ran: Our practice time is always after school... and it's during dusk. So......

Moca: Oh---- Such a pretty sunset! The sunset from here is exceptionally pretty~

Ran: We should have something that means sunset. Then surely, we'll remember today's events again.

Himari: That's wonderful! Something about sunset... Uhm~... In English, that's......

Moca: According to the dictionary, there's many ways to say it. Sunset? Hm......

Tsugumi: Evening?

Tomoe: Afterglow...... How about "Afterglow"?

Moca: Afterglow----- Isn't that fine?

Himari: Yeah, I think so too!

Tomoe: Decided! Our band name is "Afterglow"!

Tsugumi: Alright!

Moca: "Afterglow"........ We created something precious for all 5 of us.

Tomoe: If we ever quarreled, we can look at the sunset and remember what happened today. Then

surely, we'll make up right away.

Himari: Remembering from looking at the sunset... isn't that kind of cool? Also, we definitely won't

quarrel. Just look at us, we are on such good terms!

Tomoe: Haha, I guess so. Then the sunset shall become like our proof.

Tsugumi: Yeah! And we'll be together from now on too!



Moca: And Moca-chan has been living happily ever after.

Himar: Wai--- You're totally changing the story!

Tomoe: But as long as it's about us, anything goes~

Himari: I know! Well, we are still in our youth after all!

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