Rimi's Present Song Event Story Episode 2: A Special Song

~ A Special Song ~
(Rimi requested to write the lyrics for the new song they are making for Yuri.)
Several days later
Hanasakigawa Girls' High School 1-A
Kasumi: How's the new song coming along, Rimirin?
Rimi: Um... It's quite... difficult...?
Saaya: She has been looking at the score throughout classes too.
Rimi: You were looking?!
Saaya: Yes. Sorry, I was looking.
Tae: Sometimes we hear some groaning noises too, right? Like "mm... argggghhhh ughhh!!"
Rimi: Seriously?! I must have done that subconsciously... D-Did the teacher find out?
Saaya: Nope, I don't think the teacher found out so it's fine!
Rimi: Thank goodness...
Kasumi: Ah, I get your feeling, Rimirin. When I can't think of good lyrics, I groan too!
Arisa: But in the end the lyrics that you come out with are sub-par. Even after all that whining and
Kasumi: Stwap!! Stwapppp being mean to me Arisa! ;_;
Saaya: But it's normal to feel pumped up. It's a special song for Rimi after all. It's a song for Yuri-senpai
on her birthday live after all.
Rimi: Yeh... I keep thinking that I should make a song that Onee-chan likes.
Tae: Approximately how long more do you need?
Rimi: I have it till the second verse. I have a rough image of the chorus too.
Kasumi: Then you are mostly done!
Rimi: But I... am unsure if I really want it to be like that...
Kasumi: It's fine! It will all turn out nice! Then I guess it's time for me to start making the lyrics too!
Rimi: Um.. K-Kasumi-chan!
Kasumi: What's up, Rimirin?
Rimi: Um... Is it possible for me to come up with the lyrics too?
Kasumi: Lyrics too?! Rimirin, will you be fine? Should I help out?
Rimi: Well, there's that... but...

Kasumi: Rimirin, I want to be your strength too! Is there anything I can help with?
Rimi: I'm really happy about your feelings but... um...
Arisa: Kasumi, get over here for a moment.
Kasumi: Eh? What? Why?
Arisa: Just get over here.
Kasumi: D-Don't pull me so hard!! *leaves classroom*
Arisa: Rimi is trying her best to do something she isn't confident at for senpai's birthday. I get your
feeling of wanting to help but can you just leave her to do the song as she wants?
Arisa: It's a song for senpai after all.
Kasumi: I see. I get it! Thanks for telling me, Arisa!
Arisa: It's okay if you got it.
Arisa: *sighs* Ugh, all of you are really troublesome...
Kasumi: Rimirin! About the song... I'm sorry for not thinking about your feelings. You want to make a
song all alone for Yuri-senpai, right?
Rimi: That's right! I understand that it's a bit too much work but...
Rimi: Thank you for leaving this to me, Kasumi-chan.
Saaya: Rimirin, you'll be even more busy from now on.
Rimi: Yeah, but I'll be fine. I have all of you supporting me.
Arisa: .. Well, we'll support you if anything happens. You just need to worry about the song itself.
Arisa: At least the senpai understood and are willing to give us time to decide if we will be performing.
Rimi: Arisa-chan, thank you! I'll do my best to come up with a great song!
Tae: Oh I just remembered. I booked a studio for you, Rimi.
Rimi: A studio?
Tae: Well, you can make as much groaning noises there and no one will hear you. And you can
practice the song too.
Rimi: T-Thank you, o-Tae-chan!
Arisa: Tell us these important things first next time!!!
Saaya: We are with you, supporting you all the way.
Kasumi: Rimirin! I'll be waiting for that mind-blowing song!
Rimi: Yes! Thank you, everyone! *runs off*
Kasumi: I'm looking forward to what song she can make!
Arisa: Well after you ran your mouth off, she'll have to make something great now.
Saaya: Arisa... you... Ahaha!
Arisa: What are you laughing about? What's so funny?

Saaya: You care a lot about your friends, right?
Arisa: Huh?! What do you mean? I don't understand! Just when I thought you were going to say
something... you...
Saaya: Because you were all against appearing in the live initially but now you are supporting Rimirin
the most.
Arisa: I-Idiot! T-That was because Kasumi was getting ahead of herself so I had no choice but to...
Saaya: Okay okay, I get it. That kind of thing is care and concern for your friends, Arisa
Arisa: That's why I've been telling you... THAT'S NOT IT!!!
T/N: I really feel that the events should have a fixed number of days between them... hmm... I wonder if there's a possibility of a more regular schedule in the future. Hopefully Craft Eggs will make their anti-leeching strategies better and have their other planned updates promoting event gameplay asap too!