Sakura Blooming Party! Event Story Episode 1: What's "Flower Viewing"?

~ What's "Flower Viewing"? ~
(Using the chance meeting of all the first-years, Kasumi has "Something" to announce.)
Arisa: Hey Kasumi, can we leave already? If we keep hanging around such weird people, even I will
be thought of as weird too.
Kasumi: Why But it's not often that we all gathered together like this!
Kasumi: Oh yeah, that's right!
Arisa: (W-What? Kasumi's sudden change in aura... I have a really bad feeling about this...)
Kasumi: Hey everyone, since it's fate that brought us all together today, why don't we arrange a flower
viewing party?
Arisa: (Oh god, no!)
Kasumi: Is everyone free on Sunday, tomorrow?
Hagumi: Wow, as expected of Ka-kun! Nice idea~ Hagumi is completely free on that day! Kokoron
and Mi-kun (Misaki/Michelle) should be fine too, right?

Kokoro: We are both free!
Misaki: Ugh, don't decide for me. Though, I'm okay with the idea too.
Eve: I want to have the party with everyone too! Before coming to Japan, I have always wanted to do
this once!
Kasumi: Rimirin and the rest... Are all of you free too?
Rimi: Of course! This is such a rare chance!
Saaya: I'll be there too. What about you, Tae?
Tae: I'll be waiting for my bamboo rice, then. I'm so excited~
Kasumi: Then it's decided. We'll all be participating! Next, let's decide on where we'll be meeting at~
Kokoro: Before that, let's decide on our teams! If we decide on this beforehand, we'll be able to have a
strategy meeting for our battle formations!
Misaki: That's why I said, Kokoro... There's no need for teams in a flower viewing party...
Kokoro: Then it'll be an individual battle? I got it! Then I'll aim for victory!
Misaki That's. Why. I. Have. Been. Saying! There's no battle and victory in flower viewing!
Rimi: Flower viewing is... gathering all your friends and family and sitting under a sakura tree in full
bloom and sharing a meal together while chatting and catching up.
Kokoro: Looking at flowers while chatting? I can't imagine how that'll be like. Misaki, can you conjure a
clear image for that
Misaki: Actually, I can't picture a flower viewing party having other activities than that.
Arisa: (This is impossible.... I definitely can't go with these weird people. More like, I don't want to!)
Arisa: U-Uh Kasumi... I actually never stated whether I could join or not earlier...
Kasumi: Eh? Arisa, you have something on tomorrow?
Arisa: Could you... come over here?
Arisa: Are you seriously intending on having the party with these weird people?
Kasumi: Of course! It seems like it'll be a lot of fun!
Arisa: No way! Just listen to what they are saying and doing! Using a sword to cut sakura petals and
thinking that flower viewing is a competition...
Arisa: I don't think I'll ever get along with them...

Kasumi: And that's why we need the party! If we look at the flowers while talking, we'll all naturally
become friends!
Arisa: That sounds like like a lot of work. Oh and the party is on a Sunday? Sunday... Hmm...
Kasumi: Do you have plans already?
Arisa: I wouldn't call it that but...
Kokoro: I just came up with something amazing!
Hagumi: W-W-What is it? If Kokoron says she thought of something, it'll be a supremely awesome
Hagumi: Everyone, listen! Focus on Kokoron~ Speech time!
Kokoro: If it's a sakura tree, I have one at home! How about all of you come over?
Hagumi That's amazing, Kokoron! It's a super nice idea~!!
Misaki: You're overreacting... All she did was invite us to her house.
Saaya: While sitting on the veranda, all of us will look at the single tree in the yard. That's so
traditional that it's a nice change of pace.
Hagumi: Non-non-non, Saaya. Your interpretation is completely non-non-non.
Saaya: Non-non-non? What's that supposed to mean?
Hagumi: Kokoron's house must be a-ma-zing~ I'm sure there'll be a lot of sakura trees sprouting, just
like this one!

Rimi: S-Sprouting?
Hagumi: You'll have to look at it yourself to find out!
Kasumi: Ah~ I'm so excited! Then, let's go to Kokoron's house on Sunday instead!
Arisa: .........
Kasumi: Ah, Arisa? What about you We'll all be heading over to Kokoron's house to see it and for the
flower viewing.
Kasumi: I wonder what's so amazing about Kokoron's house. You're interested too, right, Arisa?
Kasumi: Ah but, you have something on on Sunday right?
Arisa: No, I'm free. I just got the dates mixed up. I'll be... going too.
Kasumi: Really That's great! Then it means that everyone here will be participating~!
Arisa: (It's not that I want to go, but I'm just interested! A house with lots of sakura trees? And
sprouting? What does that even mean? What kind of house is that?!)
Arisa: (And thinking about it, I can't be the party pooper also...)
Kasumi: Ahaha! I'm already getting excited thinking about it!
Kokoro: So am I~
T/N: Hope that you enjoyed this chapter too! I'll keep up the good work so do continue to support my translations. Thank you for reading.