Pastel*Palettes Band Drama 09: The Path we Chose

~ The Path we Chose ~
(The members are all elated at their practice paying off. However, Chisato still refuses to participate.)
Several days later
Entertainment agency, lesson studio
Maya: Ehe! Our music is in sync!
Aya: Yes! And tomorrow is the day we perform for the coach to evaluate, right?
Eve: I'm sure the coach will be surprised!
Maya: Yeah. Let's put on a great performance tomorrow.
Eve: Yes!
The next day
Coach: Alright, we'll end here today. Your performance is getting better and better in standards.
Pastel*Palettes: Thank you very much for today!
Coach: Aya, your projection is getting better and better too. You've improved a lot within this short
Aya: Thank you very much!
Coach: Then we'll end it here today. See you again tomorrow.
Pastel*Palettes: Thank you for your hard work!
Eve: This is the first time we are praised for doing well! Ahhh, I'm so happy!
Maya: To be able to make it this far in this short period of time, I think this goes to show that our self-
practice paid off!
Aya: Yes! I think so too!
Eve: Will we be doing any more special training after this?
Chisato: I'm sorry but I have something on after this too. I will be practicing on my own too to not fall
too behind all of you. See you.
Aya: Chisato-chan... has work today too?
Hina: Well though Chisato-chan isn't doing the special training with us, she still got praised today so
she must be holding herself together well.
Maya: Motivation is the main point of self-practive so... Let's practice together with the 4 of us today!
Eve: Yes. Let's do this!
Maya: Our plan for the day was to practice our songs right? Then we'll start after a short break.
30 minutes later
Aya: S-Sorry! I got the timing wrong for the chorus! Can we try this again?
Hina: Hey, hey, Aya-chan, why can't you do this part?
Aya: Um... That's...
Hina: Though you come to practice earlier and practice harder than anyone here. If it's me, I can get it
down within half a day.
Hina: And even Chisato-chan is able to pull it off without any special training, right? So why are you
not able to do it, Aya-chan?
Aya: I'm sorry...
Hina: It's not that I'm angry, but just that I don't understand.
Hina: Right before the chorus, the music gets more hyped up, right? Then you just come in with a bang,
right? So if you pay attention to that...
Aya: Hyped up? Come in with a bang? Um...
Hina: You do feel like that too, right?
Aya: There's no way I'll know from that! Please word it in a way that I can understand too...

Hina: In a way that even Aya-chan can understand... Even if you say that... What I said is exactly what
I feel...
Maya: The feel both of you have for music is different. It's different for everyone after all.
Hina: For everyone?
Maya: Hm... In the band we have Hina-san, Aya-san, Eve-san, Chisato-san and myself right? We are all
different people.
Maya: The feeling we have and the talents we have are all different from person to person. We aren't
exact copies of one another. And getting all these different people together is what forms a
Maya: I have helped out countless bands before and it is when that differences meet that music is born.
That's why I think a band is so cool and fun!
Maya: And even before this---
Hina: Aya-chan isn't me...
Maya: --And I just said something out of my league! And I took up so much time too! S-Sorry...I just
wanted to say what I was thinking out...!
Hina: Nope, I feel like... I understand what you said. Someone that isn't me, that is different from me...
Ehehe, I see.
Hina: Aya-chan! Let's do the part before the chorus again!
Aya: Alright! Thanks!
Entertainment agency, meeting room
Chisato: Thank you for your work today. Are you free at the moment? I have some questions regarding
Pasupare's work.
Staff: Yes.
Staff: I see. If it's a live of this scale, it is very possible that we can participate as well.
Chisato: Not just "possible" but we "will" definitely attend it. Though I have been suggesting many
locations, there hasn't been even a single event that we decided on participating in.
Staff: We will contact them then. Then I'll see you around.
Chisato: (Slowly, but I'm definitely getting closer to the stage. This path that I chose, it can't be wrong.)
On the way home
Aya: Maya-chan!
Maya: Aya-san! Good work today!
Aya: You too. And actually, I wanted to thank you for today. Really, thank you very much.
Maya: Eh? Did I... do something?
Aya: It's about you speaking to Hina-chan during the practice session today! And because of you
starting the part about how different people make up a band, we are able to commence practice
Aya: I'm unable to say what I think in such a logical manner so I'm really in awe that you can do that so easily, Maya-chan. Really, thank you.
Maya: N-No! I think I overdid it today. I'm sorry.
Aya: That's not true!You know a lot of things that I don't, such as about the instruments.
Maya: Nope! I-I'm just a music-otaku!
Aya: Ahaha! You are too humble! Maya-chan, you can have more confidence in yourself. But... even if I
say that...
Maya: ......
Aya: Maya-chan? O---i~?
Maya: Ha--! N-N-No! Um, I... I... T-Thanks! I'll do my best tomorrow too!
Aya: ? Um... keep up the good work!
Maya: Having confidence in yourself, huh? Ehehe~
T/N: Time to rush out this Pasupare chapters! Sit tight and enjoy~
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