Pastel*Palettes Band Drama Episode 05: What we should Believe in

~ What we should Believe in ~
(Worried about the live performance that stopped halfway,
Chisato goes to inquire what happened, but…)
Music room
Eve: What happened just now? The music stopped and the audience… they were reacting badly to it.
Maya: It’s technical troubles. Looking at how it was only the music that stopped, it’s probably the
speaker or the amp.
Aya: I’m sorry everyone… I… When it comes down to it, I couldn’t even speak…
Maya: It’s not your fault, Aya-san! What has been done is done! Let’s look towards the next live!
Chisato: Next….
Eve: Next… But what will happen to us from now on? What will be our next job? Could it be that…
we’ll never have another job ever again?
Chisato: I’ll go ask the staff about it.
Aya: I’ll go too! I also need to apologize to them.
Chisato: It’s alright. The staff should be busy trying to pacify the audience now too.
Chisato: It’s better to go in a smaller group so we don’t get in the way. Aya-san, you can head over a
little later.
Aya: A.-Alright…

Eve: Is waiting the only thing we can do now? Isn’t there anything else we can do to help?
Hina: I’m also curious as to what happened. Although I’m not as negative as Eve-chan is, I’m still
worried about what the future holds for us.
Aya: ………..
Aya: (And it was finally a chance for me to realize my dream…… More importantly than the music
stopping, I……..)
Aya: Ah…. Um…
Aya: (W-What should I say?!)
*flashback ends*
Aya: (Although I knew that we couldn’t afford to fail, why didn’t I say something then?)
Aya: (I should have practiced well beforehand and made sure that there wouldn’t be any hiccups during
the live…)

Aya: I’m an idiot……
Chisato: (After that mess-up, there is no future for this band anymore. More importantly, this also
affected my reputation.)
Chisato: (How should I make it up? Where do I get the chance for that?)
Chisato: (Besides, there wouldn’t even be a slight sliver of hope to make a comeback with this band
anymore. If that’s so, there is only one thing left to do.)
Chisato: (I will… choose the path that wouldn’t fail. The path of success.)
Staff: Chisato-san! We were just thinking of heading over! About the live earlier… we’re really sorry
about that.
Chisato: It’s alright, thanks for the hard work. Sorry to interrupt when you’re so busy but may I get an
explanation for what happened?
Staff: Firstly---
Music room
Aya: Chisato-chan isn’t back yet… Could it be that the trouble isn’t solved yet?
Eve: I’m worried…
Hina: Ugh, I’m bored! I’m so bored! And restless! I’ll go search for her!
Aya: Ah, Hina-chan!
Hina: I wonder where Chisato-chan is~ Oh, is that Chisato-chan? And a staff member?
Staff: About that…
Chisato: Thank you very much. I’ll relay what you’ve said to the others.

Hina: Chisato-chan! I came looking for you since you took a long time~ What were you two talking
Chisato: Sorry for making you worried, Hina-chan! I didn’t know so much time had passed.
Hina: I see! But the rest are much more worried than I am!
Chisato: It’s natural to be nervous after such a mistake occurred. But this is an experience that will make
us stronger too!
Chisato: To the point that you all will be fine even without me around.
Chisato: Even if I have more experience than you all, there’s only so much I can do.
Hina: Even without you around…
Music room
Chisato: Sorry for taking so long!
Aya: Chisato-chan!
Maya: What did the staff say?
Chisato: About the cause, it’s basically what you suspected, Maya-chan. They are still investigating to
find out the actual problem though.
Eve: What will happen to us… from now on?
Chisato: About that, they will talk to us about it tomorrow.
Aya: I see… Then is there something that we can do?
Chisato: Even the staff are working towards a solution. Though it is a painful experience for me today
as well, let’s believe in the staff and wait.
Eve: Okay… I learnt how to believe in others from bushido. Now is the time to put that mindset to good
use, right?
Hina: Then I’ll study about bushido too~
Aya: …………..
Aya: (Believe… What should I believe in from now on…?)
T/N: Hope you're still following the translations and that it helped you love Pasupare more! Things are getting interesting with the band so please stick around more :D
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